Commercial Appraisal

Get a fair, accurate value for your property from appraisal experts who know the commercial property market.

(It will take under 3 minutes to complete)


Over $48m/year of Commercial Property Appraised...

Your appraisal will be completed by a commercial appraiser who specializes in income-producing property.

Whether your commercial property is located in Missouri, Illinois, or Iowa, you will receive a fast, accurate appraisal. From industrial to office and multi-family, nothing is outside our experience.


What People Like You Are Saying About Our Appraisal Services

“We were very pleased with the professionalism, timely communication and responses to our many questions.”

Avatar David B.
“From simple to complex deals, Spurgeon Appraisals delivers a quality appraisal.”

Avatar Michael R.
"I shopped around, and Spurgeon Appraisals was right on price, and they delivered a good product."

Avatar Aaron B.

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